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The 4 and 5 cylinder Colorado engines tend to all have a similar failure point. The 5th cylinder connecting rod bearing due to oil starvation.


This line equalizes the pressure within the system gauranteeing the rear of the engine won't be last to get oiled.


Check out our youtube videos on this topic.


This kit comes with the necessary fittings and flex line to fit this onto your 4, 5, and even 6 cyl Atlas motor.

Supplimental Oil Feed Line 4, 5, and 6cyl Atlas Engines


    We strive to do the absolute best job possible in sourcing and designing all of our products. We guarantee they'll fit and work, as designed, right out of the box. On the off chance something is lost or damaged in transit, we will do everything in our ability to make it right. Please understand we cannot warrant against faulty installation, driver error, acts of God, or whichever Covid variant
    is currently laying waste to society as we know it.

    Please reach out if you have issues or questions to us first and we will be happy to help.

    Effective January 1, 2018 all canceled orders will be subject to a 15% cancellation fee.

    Installed items are not available for return for any reason.

    Rebuilt motors are not available for return for any reason.

    By making a purchase you agree to these terms and conditions.

    Returns are only accepted within 30 days of delivery.

    International orders are not able to be returned.

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